Plasma & EUV Science
SEMI Minerals & Materials
Advance understanding, characterization, and control of plasma-surface interactions down to the atomic scale to enable materials and device structures required for future microelectronics and semiconductor fabrication.
Develop fundamental data and centralized databases to enable comprehensive low temperature plasma diagnostics and modeling.
Enable experimentally validated, predictive, and integrated modeling of fundamental low temperature plasma physics, chemistry, and surface interactions to enable next generation semiconductor plasma processing.
Understand and control low temperature plasma generation of radiation, radiation transport and materials interactions in semiconductor processing systems.
Advance EUV lithography research including advanced EUV light sources and related techniques.
Educate and train the next generation of technicians, engineers, chemists, material scientists, and physicists.
In coordination with western mining companies, establish additional sources for rare-earth elements (e.g., gallium, arsenic, cobalt, silicon, copper, aluminum, etc.) and develop exploration, extraction, processing, and refining techniques and infrastructure.
Train and educate leaders in rare-earth element exploration, processing, and refining.
Research and develop recycling capabilities for rare-earth elements as well a establish green energy processes for processing and refining rare-earth elements.
Packaging & Chiplets
Establish a domestic advanced chip packaging facility.
Development domestic chiplet technology.
Train and educate experts on packaging and chiplet technology.